Date: Fri, 21 Nov 1997 17:51:22 -0600 (CST) From: Dave Rusin To: Subject: Re: David Ullrich's challenge: define the field C Newsgroups: sci.math In article <654he0$kog$> you write: >Pertti Lounesto ( wrote: > >: 2. Neil Rickert learned that R has only one automorphism, the identity. > >R has only one continuous automorphism. It has a lot of automorphisms >as an extension of Q; Gal(R/Q) is huge. If f: R -> R is a nonzero homomorphism of rings, then f(x)=x for all x in Q. Also, y>0 => y=x^2 for some real x => f(y)=f(x)^2 => f(y)>0. Then y>z => y-z>0 =>f(y)-f(z)=f(y-z)>0 => f(y) > f(z). So f a nonzero homomorphism => f preserves Q and preserves order, so it's the identity on all of R. [deletia -- djr] dave